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    i have issues. a whole slew of  issues.

    control issues
    trust issues
    commitment issues
    body image issues
    eating issues
    relationship with anyone issues (which goes hand in hand with trust and commitment)

    like i said, a whole slew of issues.

    i was talking with a friend just last week about them.

    all i could think to say (because it didn't require thinking) is that i am emotionally screwed up, royally. that i was (am) broken, completely.

    i don't look at those statements as negative when i say them, just simply the truth. minus little details and complicated facts and emotional attachment.

    he, however, shined some happy positive light. bringing to the surface that fact that they aren't issues, but opportunities to grow.

    changing that one single word changed my entire outlook. (for the moment. i have to remind myself every second of every day, they are o.p.p.o.r.t.u.n.i.t.i.e.s.for growth)

    because even though i said before my definitions weren't negative, they were. without me meaning for them to be. and they effected (affected? one day, i will learn the difference) me as such.

    looking at them as opportunities to grow helped me to take back my power. it helped me to be able to take control of the situation. and gave me the strength to make the choices that will help me grow into the person i want to be.

    let's be honest here, i am a baby. i am so so young. 22 years old. i have hardly any idea of who i actually am and what i truly believe.

    i am on this journey. it's full of ebb and flow, ups and downs, stagnancy and growth. it's similar to a roller coaster ride emotioanlly. and just when i think i've got it, the world changes and my feet slip out from underneath me.

    honestly, i wouldn't trade it for the world. because i constantly find myself in positions where i notice the growth. i see my reactions now and realize that a year ago, i wouldn't have been able to handle it in that way.

    now, i am. i am able to stand up for myself in most situations. i am able to say when i am uncomfortable. i am able to say no; when it's awkward, when it's scary, when it's too much, when it's uncomfortable, or inconvenient for others. i say no. i say when. and that is a gigantic improvement for me.

    i am finally beginning to realize that i need to have self love and self worth. i need to hand confidence and secuirty. and i need to be my best friend. i need to be strong enough on my own to not need anyone else's acceptance or validation.

    because in the end, what other people think of me, is none of my business. and i have no reason or right to worry about it. it's their thoughts and emotions, not mine.

    all that matters are my thoughts about myself.

    and i need to be here for me. i need to love me wholly and unconditionally.

    until i learn to do that, i cannot love others completely, not as completely as i want to be able to.

    and that is a big deal to me. it is my biggest motivation for growing and progressing.

    i love humans. and i love to be there for them. but until i am fully healthy on my own, i cannot offer the amount or quality of support and love i hold myself to.

    so issues.

    they are my opportunites to grow, to become a better person, to understand myself. and through that understanding, i will be able to offer support, love, and empathy to others facing similar trials. i will be able to love and be there for them in every facet. and that is my hearts true desire.

    i am growing. daily.

    and i am so grateful to have my close friends that inspire, motivate, and support me in this growth. it's hard and scary and most of the time i want to back down. without them as my support system, this would be nye impossible.



    1 comment:

    1. You are awesome Erin. I like that- opportunities. I, too, struggle with my own slew of negative qualities but I like that outlook of them.

      Also, the way I remember affect/effect is by thinking "Influence/Reaction"
      As long as you put them alphabetically, this works!
      Affect is usually a verb and Effect is usually a Noun.
      "How is this going to affect me?" "Is this the effect you were going for?"

      Hope this helps!
